Mortgage Assistance Available to Homeowners in Palm Beach County
The Palm Beach County Department of Housing and Economic Sustainability announces the availability of the Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus (CDBG-CV) Mortgage Assistance funds. This program will provide emergency financial assistance to <80% (or less) AMI homeowners who suffered adverse financial impact from COVID-19, and are delinquent in their first mortgage and escrow payments (PITI). Additionally, providing the homeowner is delinquent, funding may assist with second mortgages, late fees, condominium and homeowners’ association payments, special assessments, and other mortgage associated costs related to COVID-19.
Up to 6 months of assistance (not to exceed $10,000) will be provided to income eligible households who are at least one-month delinquent (after February 29, 2020) in their home mortgage, escrow payments (PITI) and/or condominium and homeowners’ association payments. Assistance cannot be used to cover payments already made; and will be provided as a grant or a forgivable loan.
All requests for assistance will be reviewed based on approved criteria. To qualify, all homeowners must demonstrate that the costs are directly tied to COVID-19. Additional criteria include but is not limited to: income eligibility, residence must be owner occupied, not under contract or listed for sale within the past 60 days, property must be in Palm Beach County, and the assessed value cannot exceed $331,888.
All applications must be submitted online and will be processed on a first come, first eligible basis. The online application will open on Friday, May 7, 2021 at 8:00 a.m., and close Monday, June 7, 2021 at 11:59 pm. Applications can be accessed at the County’s Department of Housing and Economic Sustainability’s website
*NEW* PBC Community Services Emergency Rental Assistance Lunch-n-Learn
Every Tuesday starting May 4 from noon to 1 p.m., the Palm Beach County Community Services Department (CSD) is hosting an Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) Lunch-n-Learn for Palm Beach County residents. During the sessions, staff will cover what the ERA application process entails, how to complete an application, and what the eligibility and documentation requirements are. Staff will also answer frequently asked questions.
Residents may join via WebEx at with meeting ID 157 444 3885 and passcode 1234 using any electronic device. The meeting works best when accessed using Google Chrome. The option to join via phone is available by calling 1 (904) 900-2303 or 1 (844) 621-3956 with the access code 157 444 3885.
The ERA application portal will open May 3 at 8 a.m. Applicants will be required to provide more documentation than for previous COVID-19 funding applications. Therefore, CSD encourages residents to register for the “Lunch-n-Learn” (Spanish, Creole) webinar, read the ERA FAQ, and/or view the ERA video to confirm eligibility and ensure that all required documentation is submitted successfully.
For additional information, please visit For questions, contact or call (561) 355-4792.
Important Note
On August 31, Gov. Ron DeSantis extended the moratorium on evictions and foreclosures in Florida through October 1, 2020.
If you need mortgage or rent relief, contact your landlord or service first to let them know about your financial situation. More information is available below with national, state and local resources.
National Resources/Info
U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
CARES Act Provides Additional Loss Mitigation Options for FHA-Insured Homeowners
The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) on April 1 published Mortgagee Letter (ML) 2020-06, FHA’s Loss Mitigation Options for Single Family Borrowers Affected by the Presidentially-Declared COVID-19 National Emergency in Accordance with the CARES Act. The letter implements the mortgage forbearance provisions provided in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act that President Trump signed into law on March 27, 2020.
Information for Mortgagees and Borrowers
The FHA Single Family COVID-19 Q&A for mortgagees and other interested parties in FHA has been updated and is available on the Single Family main page on
FHA launched a new consumer-oriented Q&A to help homeowners better understand their loss mitigation options during this national emergency. To read the Q&A, go to the Loss Mitigation Services for FHA Homeowners page on
Fannie Mae
Fannie Mae has said it is “actively monitoring the current situation and taking every step to help ensure a safe and sound housing market.”
Click here for Fannie Mae resources
Borrowers in forbearance can defer all missed payments until the end of their loan.
Click here for more information
Freddie Mac

If you are a homeowner experiencing financial hardship directly or indirectly related to Coronavirus (COVID-19) and your mortgage is owned by Freddie Mac, contact your loan servicer (the company listed on your mortgage statement) right away to discuss your options.
Click here for more Freddie Mac resources
Homeowner checklist: Do you have a mortgage through Freddie Mac? Have you been economically impacted by COVID-19 and you need direction on how to proceed? Click here for a checklist.
Borrowers in forbearance can defer all missed payments until the end of their loan.
Click here for more information.
State Resources/Info
Statewide Eviction and Foreclosure Moratorium
On April 2, Gov. Ron DeSantis announced that he will suspend evictions and foreclosures for the next 45 days in response to COVID-19. This much needed statewide clarity comes at an ideal time as many Floridians are worried about paying their April rent. Despite the statewide moratorium, rent will still become due at some point and more resources will be needed to provide rental assistance to persons across the state. The SHIP Program is uniquely situated to efficiently provide rental and mortgage assistance to support the governor’s eviction and foreclosure moratoria.
Local Resources/Info (Palm Beach County)
Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County, Inc.
The Legal Aid Society has created an easy-to-read tip sheet for homeowners who may face the risk of losing their homes because COVID-19 is affecting their ability to meet their obligations.
Download the tip sheet:
The Legal Aid Society also has assembled more extensive resources for homeowners who have questions about their rights during the pandemic.
Get tips and guidance if you can’t make your mortgage payment because of the pandemic
First Time Homebuyer Classes (Webinar/Online)
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will temporarily accept online first-time homebuyers classes. Please make sure that the one-on-one component is covered, even if it has to be via a telephone call.
Nonprofits offering webinar/online first-time homebuyers classes
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