Freddie Mac- Credit Smart
Freddie Mac strongly supports the benefit of credit education and building sound financial literacy skills among consumers. Well-informed and well-prepared homebuyers are on the best path to enjoying successful and sustainable homeownership. As part of this ongoing commitment, Freddie Mac developed CreditSmart®, a multilingual financial education curriculum and consumer outreach initiative designed to help consumers build and maintain better credit, make sound financial decisions, and understand the steps to sustainable homeownership. CreditSmart increases consumers’ financial understanding by teaching life-long money management skills and showing consumers how to avoid foreclosure and keep their home.
The worst thing you can do is nothing… get assistance today!
Bank of America- Better Money Habits
Build your financial know-how with free tools and information to help you make more confident decisions. It’s a simple way of getting real, practical knowledge, brought to you by Bank of America in partnership with Khan Academy.